Welcoming the Honorable Timothy M. Kennedy to the House of Representatives

Floor Speech

Date: May 6, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, as dean of the New York delegation, it is my distinct honor to rise today to introduce Congressman-elect Tim Kennedy.

I can think of no better person to represent New York's 26th Congressional District and succeed our friend Brian Higgins than Tim Kennedy. As a lifelong resident of Buffalo who grew up in a blue-collar family, Tim embodies the values of hard work, family, and fighting for the little guy that makes western New York so great.

As a New York State senator for over 13 years, Tim has been a formidable advocate for our region. As chair of the New York Senate Transportation Committee, he secured a historic $100 million for the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority, helped deliver record investment for our roads and transportation networks, and spearheaded legislation enhancing transportation safety and accountability.

Beyond transportation, Tim has been a long-time champion for western New York's workforce and economic development, which is evidenced through his support for the Northland Workforce Center and the revitalization of Buffalo's iconic Central Terminal.

As he steps into his new role, I speak on behalf of the entire New York congressional delegation, and we are confident that Tim Kennedy will continue to fight tirelessly for the prosperity and safety of our community.

